Announce yourself to me, my Lord
Be near me in my hour of need.
Comfort me in all my sorrow,
Deny those who desire harm.
Everlasting in compassion,
forget not your children, Oh Lord.
Grant me your grace, for it is a
helmet of faith that guards me still.
I am abandoned in my pain,
joy is far from my solitude.
Keep ever before your mind the
lament of my soul's perfect need.
My cries are neverending, but
never hide the light of your face.
Open your eyes to all my tears,
provide relief from all my pain.
Quickly relieve my lonliness,
release my darkness by your light.
Save me, Oh lord, from my sin and
take up my soul's cause to yourself.
Until I rest in you, Oh Lord,
victory can never be mine.
Weep for your children dear mother,
Xenia of grace, feed my soul.
Your faithfulness is my sole hope,
Zion is my only refuge.
